말세의 죄악 (末世的罪惡 Crimes at the End of Days) (2024)
아리따운 소매 춤 (袖舞倩影 Sleeves of Grace) (2024)
전대미문의 죄악 (前所末有的罪惡 Unprecedented Crime) (2023)
홀로 적진에 들다 (單騎救主 Riding Alone to the Rescue) (2023)
법정인간(法正人間)-법이 인간세상을 바로잡다 (法正人間 Divine Renewal of the Human World) (2023)
Insanity During the End of Days (2021-22)
Three Hundred Years in One Day (2021-22)
Abetting the Wicked (2020)
Sleeves of an Ancient Style (2020)
The Final Moment (2019)